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Western Interconnection Overview

We’re excited to be releasing our WECC product on August 28th!

The WECC service will include:

  • An overview of the Western Interconnection—historical capacity growth, generation, and prices at the most liquid bilateral trading hubs
  • Market outlook on drivers of future growth—state/utility climate targets, policies and incentives, retirements, and interregional transmission buildout
  • Summary of key considerations for development—transmission reservation requirements and access charges across the West
  • Our forecast across 3 Scenarios (Central, Low, and Messy Transition)—capacity outlook, average annual ATC energy prices, and PPA analyses
  • Case studies—detailed business cases for projects in various Balancing Authorities in the West
  • Quarterly updates—tracking policy changes, commodity updates, and IRP releases
  • Data in Excel—input and forecast data in Excel format

If you would like more information, please get in touch with Cat Clark.

Click below to download a redacted sample of the report, and we will follow up with you about the full report:

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