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Founded by University of Oxford professors and economists who saw the need for a deeper focus on quality analysis, Aurora has grown to become the largest dedicated power analytics provider in Europe. 10 years in, we reflect on the last decade of energy research.

A word from our CEO

John Feddersen

“Last week we celebrated Aurora’s 10th anniversary! In this decade, we’ve grown from a team of two to almost 500 staff members globally. As I see it, the two key drivers of this success were the talent and commitment of our team, and the trust and vision of our clients.

Aurora has played a vital role in supporting decision makers in the energy transition. There are too many to name now, but a few from the early days spring to mind:

  • Our work supporting the British Government in its decision, (a world first) to commit to closing GB’s coal fleet by 2025.
  • Our first report on British power security of supply in October 2013 informed subsequent approaches to capacity adequacy over that decade.
  • Challenging government’s prevailing view on electricity prices (too high) and therefore the level of public support required for low carbon technologies (too low). The Economist did a great article on this at the time.


Today we’re driving the energy transition forward all around the world—including through our most recent offices in Tokyo and Sao Paolo—providing the consistent approach to analysis that enables global entities to deploy capital everywhere.

Thanks to our supporters for constantly challenging us to ask, “what’s next?” and to our team, current and former, who have taken up that challenge and made an important difference for society!”

See how some of our longest-standing clients describe their journey with Aurora:

10 years into Aurora, what have we achieved and where are we heading next?

Scroll to see some highlights from our ‘Aurora: The First 10 Years’ gathering:

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