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A Look Ahead: Long-Term MISO Forecast and Implications for Investors and Developers

The MISO market is set for a radical shift in generation mix, as operational coal capacity retires to be replaced by new build capacity. The MISO market is geographically the largest market in the United States touching 15 U.S. states and Manitoba in Canada. Over 35GW of MISO’s coal fleet is 40 years old and recent EPA rulings will place greater economic pressure on these remaining plants. Solar and battery storage are the currently favored technologies in MISO’s interconnection queue, with 160 GW and 50 GW respectively targeting deployment, relative to MISO’s operational 200GW nameplate capacity.

Alongside the Central outlook, the report will also present scenarios and sensitivities to reflect a range of possible futures. Key questions we plan to discuss include the following:

  • What is our view for power prices out to 2050 across the MISO regions?
  • How will capacity market prices develop as aging thermal plants retire and are replaced by new build capacity?
  • How will states’ renewables targets, federal support, and other policies impact the wholesale and capacity markets?
  • Where will renewables be deployed, and what impact will this have on regional prices?
  • What is a sensible low case for project finance?

For more information and access to the full report, please get in touch with Francisco Ortega.

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