Public Webinar

THURSDAY 2 MAY 2024 | 14:00–15:00 BST


Winds of Change: A new renewables scheme in Northern Ireland

On 9 April, the Department for the Economy (DfE) Northern Ireland (NI) published the high-level design of a new renewable electricity support scheme succeeding the NIRO scheme which was closed in 2017.

We have undertaken extensive analysis to structure the support contract auctions and provided recommendations through an ongoing comprehensive auction design and commercial advisory project with the DfE.

In this webinar, we will cover the following points:

  • Policy context: What is the legislative mandate, and what are the objectives of the renewable electricity scheme?
  • Recommended design: What are the recommended design choices across scheme eligibility, auction design, and contract design?
  • Deep dive on key design choices: What was the underlying analysis that lead to the recommendations on key design features including on indexation of contracts, minimum size, and dispatch down compensation?
  • Auction Roadmap: What are the recommended procurement volumes for renewable electricity capacity and timelines for the auctions of the scheme?

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Rebecca Cabrera.


Subscribers Only

This session is for GB Power Market and GB Renewables subscribers only.


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