Group Meeting

Tuesday 16 May 2023, 13:00 CEST

Coming out of crisis—What next for Poland’s power system?

Polish energy will face a series of challenges over the coming decade which will require skillful intervention. Real concerns exist around supply adequacy, while onshore wind, offshore wind, and solar all face unique issues hindering their development. At the same time, upcoming parliamentary elections add further uncertainty around the future direction of energy policy.

In this meeting, we will identify the main risks and uncertainties facing Polish energy over the next decade and assess their impact on price development.

We will address the following questions:

• With the publication of market reform measures and of the Green Deal Industrial Plan, how will Europe’s response to the crisis influence long-term market development?
• What are the key challenges facing the Polish energy system over the next decade?
• What is the likely direction of Poland’s revised energy policy, and how adequate is it for addressing these challenges?
• How could the uncertainties identified impact market development, and what does this mean for investments?

Subscribers Only

This session is for GB Power Market and GB Renewables subscribers only.


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