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The leading battery analytics software

Chronos allows you to valuate any storage asset or project using our cutting-edge proprietary battery dispatch engine.

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Chronos is currently available in Great Britain, Iberia, Italy, and Australia. Discover our latest products today!


Battery investment case analysis with unmatched ease of use and speed

Aurora’s trusted data

Underpinned by our bankable market forecasts used by and relied on by 350+ companies globally

Simple, intuitive, user-centric

User-friendly, and simple, requiring minimal training and no sophisticated in-house modelling capabilities

State-of-the-art model

Asset dispatch model integrated with our fundamental market forecasts which structurally accounts for imperfect foresight


Large cost savings on set up, maintenance, and licenses

Always up-to-date

Personal portfolios’ value forecast updates based on our latest market forecasts

Free Chronos Demo

Co-location with Chronos

Discover the potential of strategic battery integration and maximise your assets’ performance with the right coupling. With Chronos, you can navigate the complex maze of battery configurations and have the ability to analyse your assets’ joint performance across various renewable/storage/grid configurations, taking into account the unique aspects of your site—from asymmetric grid connection capacity to zoning for network charges. No more guesswork—just clear insights that enable you to optimise revenue at your site.

Try Co-location Now
How Chronos works

The true value of your battery site is just a few clicks away

Step 1

Enter your site-specific data

Up-to-date locational benefits & charges: Chronos allows you to access a comprehensive database of the latest applicable network charges.

Co-location support: Chronos supports the co-location of solar & wind assets with your battery with different coupling schemes.

Locational system balancing: Our fundamental model allows Chronos to capture location-specific value from system redispatch actions.

Step 2

Input your technology settings

Customisable degradation: Capture battery degradation as it is defined exactly in your supplier’s performance warranty.

User-centric work flow: Chronos allows users to save, manage, and easily reuse  different types of input data.

Fundamental-driven forecast: Chronos is directly integrated with our long-price forecast underpinned by market fundamentals.

Step 3

Select your market scenario

Realistic foresight: Chronos dispatch captures the imperfect foresight that battery operators have over future prices.

Origin integration (upcoming): Value assets against your own market scenario by exporting scenarios created in Origin to Chronos.

Step 4

Analyse results

Bankable valuation on-demand: We can provide reliance on analysis run using Chronos.

API: Integrate Chronos directly into your software or automated workflow for large scale computations.

Use cases

Chronos, the cutting edge forecasting tool designed to meet the evolving demands of the market

Site scanning

Identify the highest value grid connections to pursue

Optimisation benchmarking

Compare your route-to-market provider’s assessment to an independent view

Debt financing

Borrow more by identifying asset-specific bankable value

M&A buy-side

Bid competitively for premium assets and avoid costly mistakes

Asset optimisation

Take revenue into account when making design decisions for your site

Portfolio valuation

Track the value of your specific portfolio against our bankable forecast as market evolves

M&A sell-side

Showcase the extra value in your asset and understand how buyers value it

Strategy refinement

Identify key drivers for storage value and promising opportunities earlier than competitors
Free Chronos Demo

Bankable methodology + results, with no consultancy delay, as often as you require

  • Accounts for all site-specific value drivers
  • Backed by our trusted forecasts and team of experts
  • Bankable methodology with reliance available
  • Intuitive interface that empowers user-driven analyses
Origin-Chronos Integration

Seamlessly integrate Origin with Chronos to stress-test your battery strategy and navigate market uncertainties with confidence

Free Demo

Try out Chronos on your project

Our team are on hand to offer personal support and guidance, including an introductory walkthrough either online or in person.

Complete the form below, and we’ll be in touch soon after to provide you with the help you need to get started.