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Great Britain

Crucial intelligence to understand the changing dynamics of the British energy market

The GB power market is rapidly evolving, with a growing focus on renewables and a decline in fossil fuel generation. This shift will impact market dynamics, business strategies, and the need for innovative solutions to ensure reliable power supply. The push for decarbonisation in Great Britain and Europe will further accelerate these changes. Capitalise on emerging revenue opportunities with our GB services, keeping you informed about evolving policies and market trends.

What you need to know about the market

  • The GB power market has seen a continued shift away from coal towards renewables, with generation of coal falling from 35% of the total electricity generation in GB in 2013 to under 2% in 2022 while the share of renewables has increased from 15% to 43% over the same period, a trend that is continuing.
  • Coal will be completely phased out of the system by 2024, with Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGTs) making up most of the dispatchable generation over the next ten years and significant growth in Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and interconnection capacity to provide flexibility as the share of low-carbon generation grows to make up over 80% of the demand by 2030.
  • The rise of renewables is challenging baseload generators by reducing their running hours, as well as merchant renewable generators, who may be subjected to price competition.

Which products are available?

  • Power & Renewables Service

    Robust, transparent​ analysis, widely used and trusted amongst major market participants​ and bankable forecasts to support asset financing and in-depth analysis to underpin your investment strategies​

  • Flexible Energy Service

    Detailed analysis and granular forecasts for power, balancing, and ancillary service markets plus access to investment case data for a wide range of battery storage and gas peaker business models

  • Hydrogen Service

    Crucial analysis into market sizing and drivers, dedicated insights following policy developments and project activities across power, heat, transport, and industry

  • Amun – Wind Valuation Software

    Bankable valuation software for wind assets with an optimised site design and technology to maximise revenue in just a few clicks

  • Chronos – Battery Valuation Software

    Powerful battery valuation software. Bankable projections trusted by financial institutions across the world

  • Origin – Power Market Analytics Software

    Sophisticated market analytics software at your fingertips where you can generate your own market scenarios using our in-house power market model

  • Grid Add-On

    Granular analysis of network constraints and impact on the economics of generation and flexibility assets, including scenarios with varying network capacity.

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