Group Meeting

Thursday 25 May 2023, 11:00-12:30 AM PT

The Western Interconnection: Overview and Outlook

CAISO imports around a quarter of its electricity from other states, primarily hydro and wind from the Pacific Northwest and coal and gas from the Desert Southwest. As the Western states shift from fossil generation to renewables, better regional coordination would allow rural renewable resources to serve load in population centers across the West. The already healthy pipeline of regional transmission projects in the west will be bolstered by the Inflation Reduction Act’s nearly $3bn in transmission funding, furthering the opportunity for regional cooperation.

In this session, we will be presenting our new research on The Western Interconnection.

The session will cover the following topics:

  • Overview of the Western Interconnection
  • Historical analysis of buildout and generation
  • Where renewables will be deployed and drivers of future capacity growth
  • Our forecast of bilateral trading hub prices out to 2050
  • Business models and considerations for projects in the West, namely:
    • Project signing with a local WECC BA vs
    • Project in WECC wheeling into CAISO


This session is for subscribers only. If you are not a subscriber and are interested in attending, please reach out to Cat Clark.

Subscribers Only

This session is for GB Power Market and GB Renewables subscribers only.


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