Group Meeting

Thursday 20 April 2023, 10:00-12:00 PM CT

Long-term MISO Forecast and Alternative Scenarios

The team has been working hard over the last few months to collect the data, formulate assumptions, and validate them with the market. At the same time, we have been busy building and testing our AER-ES power market model for MISO to crunch the numbers for the forecast. We are now excited for the opportunity to bring together key market participants to deep dive into the analysis.

Alongside the central outlook, we will also present scenarios and sensitivities to reflect a range of possible futures. Key questions we plan to discuss include the following:

1. What is our view for power prices out to 2050 in each of the regions?
2. How will Capacity Market prices develop as aging thermal plants retire and are replaced by new build capacity?
3. How will states’ renewables targets, federal support, and other policies impact the Wholesale and Capacity Markets?
4. Where will renewables be deployed, and what impact will this have on regional prices?
5. What is a sensible low case for project finance?

This session is for subscribers only. If you are not a subscriber and are interested in attending, please reach out to Ben Bramley

Subscribers Only

This session is for GB Power Market and GB Renewables subscribers only.


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