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Surging gas and carbon prices have put significant upward pressure on wholesale power prices across Europe, with the economics of merchant renewables looking better than ever before in the short term. At the same time, medium and large industrial consumers are experiencing historically high power prices and are looking for ways to hedge their energy costs, while also lowering their carbon footprint.
With increasing saturation and decreasing returns in established European markets, developers and investors with a higher risk profile explore the potential of renewables deployment in less mature markets in South-eastern Europe. The development of merchant projects with PPAs could help de-risk investment for developers, enable large consumers to have more long-term control on their energy costs and play a decisive role in allowing these nations to meet their decarbonisation targets.
This webinar was created by Aurora’s South-East Europe team in collaboration with Power Exchange Central Europe (part of EEX Group). Watch the recording and view the slides of our recent public webinar using the link below.