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Now Available in Korean! Korean Power & Renewables Market Forecast September 2024

By October 21, 2024November 3rd, 2024Public, Showcase Feed, Renewable Energy, Insight, Asia Pacific, Reports

📢 Our Korean Power & Renewables Market Forecast is now available in Korean! 오로라의 한국 전력 및 재생에너지 시장 전망 보고서가 이제 한국어로도 제공됩니다! 

Key takeaways from the report include the following:

  • Analysis of Korean market structure and revenue streams of market participants.
  • Recent government energy policies and reforms designed to encourage renewable energy installations.
  • Capacity, generation, and wholesale price projections to 2060 across 5 scenarios, taking into consideration transmission limits of the current grid and future upgrades, and coal exits largely aligned with the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) announcement in Basic Plan.
  • Key drivers for the entry of new capacity, such as electricity and REC prices, renewable resources, grid restrictions, and supply-demand dynamics.
  • Sensitivity analysis across commodity prices, demand, renewable CAPEX, financing costs, nuclear buildout, and grid constraints.

If you are an Aurora subscriber, you can view the full report on EOS

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