As Europe presses forward to Net Zero, Italy is primed for a massive increase in renewables capacity in the coming decades. However, the disappointing results of subsidies auctions over the last few years make merchant buildout essential for the achievement of the ambitious capacity targets set by the Italian government for onshore wind and solar PV.
Understanding the future dynamics of capture prices in the different Italian market zones becomes therefore essential to manage the risk of revenues cannibalisation as more capacity enters the system. Furthermore, wind patterns can vary significantly across sites within the same market zone, making locational wind capture prices a key input for sound investments decisions.
To address this issue, during the webinar recording, we discuss:
- How do renewables capture prices in the different Italian market zones evolve over the next decades?
- How do the capacity outlook and correlation of wind patterns affect cannibalisation?
- How can our wind valuation tool Amun tool quantify site-specific prices and revenue forecasts?