Investing in grid-scale batteries in Europe: which markets are ripe for investment and why?
With battery capacity expected to grow sevenfold to 29 GW by 2030 and to 69 GW by 2050, representing a cumulative investment opportunity of at least €46 billion through to 2050, the European battery market is booming with opportunities. Make the most of the lucrative state of the market with our newly published European Battery Markets Attractiveness Report, offering you the tools you need to enter new markets and consolidate your knowledge across the continent.
This highly anticipated report unpacks the investment landscape for grid-scale batteries across 18 European markets, covering investment trends, policy environments, value drivers, and project economics. Identify key markets at a glance through the report’s comprehensive ranking system: 11 metrics comprising a mix of both our fundamental modelling and out-of-model analysis create compound scores, indicating attractiveness for investment. The report also provides IRR bands for illustrative projects in 12 markets, each of which offers sufficient revenue streams enabling you to develop investable battery business cases.
The redacted report comprises a subset of the full report. Purchase the full report for approximately 71 slides of data, charts and analysis, an Excel Databook with a breakdown of the market scoring, and a guide on how to use the report.
The 2nd edition of this report is now live, follow the link below to find out more: