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RESS4 Provisional Results Policy Note

The RESS4 auction is the fourth round of the Republic of Ireland’s current renewable subsidy scheme, and the provisional results came out Monday, 9 September. The procured projects in RESS4 are not sufficient to meet the 2030 targets of 80% renewable electricity, 9 GW onshore wind, and 8 GW solar PV. The upcoming RESS5 may not be able to deliver in time to meet this target either, essentially meaning the Republic of Ireland’s renewable targets are unlikely to be met in the current framework.

RESS4 was surprisingly successful, procuring 960 MW of solar PV and 374 MW of onshore wind at an average generation weighted price of 96.85 €/MWh.

In this report, we debrief the auction results and the impacts on the I-SEM decarbonisation targets.

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